Beaver safari in Sweden - A real nature experience 

Beaver safari - A spectacular show. A loud splash breaks the silence and water rises spectacular towards the sky. A few seconds later, the water droplets descend back and melt into the surface of the lake once again. A beaver dove- flicking the water up with his long, flat tail.

Join Sweden's most popular beaver safari

Canoe paddling through a beaver-rich wilderness area in Sweden.

At sunset, while the sun goes down behind undulating forests, we paddle out on a beaver safari. Through the beaver-rich wilderness area, we move as silently as possible in Canadian canoes (the Native Americans’ traditional canoe with space for two adults- which, in common language, is simply called, 'canoe'). It is in the evening, under the shelter of the trees’ long shadows that the beaver is very active. With care, we glide in silence towards the beaver huts. Slowly, slowly, in order to get as close as possible without harming the beavers.

During the paddling a stop will be made on an island or a peninsula, were a wilderness pick nick meal will be served. To the picnic we listen to an experienced and knowledgeable beaver guide who let us know about the beaver and many other wild animals in the forest.

During the canoeing, everyone has to be absolutely silent. Then we only communicate with sign language (a necessary condition if we are to see the shy and hard-working nibblers).

The chances of seeing beavers are very high. Many beavers were spotted on most beaver safaris since year 2003. The success with spotting beavers has been very good. Nordic Discovery's best safaris delivers ‘beaver contact’ for the whole duration of the paddling trip (3 hours).

The beaver safari can be booked according to the following programs.

Beaver safari – Accommodation, wilderness picnic & breakfast

2350 SEK /person. Children under 15 years: 2100 SEK/Child.

The tour includes: A 5 hour guided beaver safari, canoeing in a very beaver rich area, a wilderness picnic meal with crayfish wraps mixed with vegetables and berries from the local forest, mineral water from the local brewery, local fruit, tea or coffee, a one-night stay in a double room, sheets, towels, breakfast, canoes, paddles, life jackets, water-proof sacks, seat mats and a shorter transfers in minibus from the Wilderness Lodge to a nearby beaver territory and back.

Where: Start and finish at the Wilderness Lodge in the small village Kloten. Comfortable beds, personal touch and wild Nordic animals around the corner. Kloten is located in the heart of the Malingsbo-Kloten Nature Reserve along road 233 between Skinnskatteberg and Kopparberg. 2.5 hours drive from Stockholm.

High season: The safari is arranged on Fridays between the 1st of May and the 30th of September. Extra safaris on other days after bookings.

Low season: 1 st of October to 30th of April. During the low season, the beavers follow other living patterns, so the scores of beavers seen during the high season are not to be expected.

Parties containing 4 or more participants have the choice to book the safari on other dates all around the year. If you are 2-3 participants and want a safari outside of the scheduled dates, please advise with anticipation and we will look in to the possibility of arrangement.

Number of participants: 2-8 persons/guide and group. Normally 1 group/safari. Occasionally 2 groups/safari.

Equipment: Rain gear (in case of rain or as a backup against rain) and warmer clothes to put on after sunset, when the temperature often drops.

Information: At the start, a briefing containing detailed information about the safari and basic paddling instructions are provided.

The canoeing is not physically demanding. We paddle very carefully and with as little noise as possible.

Safety: The main guide Mikael Nilsson is very experienced and is a certified life guard, having passed all of the Swedish Life Guards’ Association’s tests for Life Guard Education.

Start and finish time: Depending on the hour of sunset, start and finish times vary throughout the season. We finish in full darkness and start 5 hours earlier.

The safari accommodation

The included safari accommodation is in the Wilderness Lodge, the Wilderness Cottage or in the River Lodge:

Beaver safari – Evening tour with wilderness picnic

1750 SEK /person. Children under 15 years: 1500 SEK/child.

Occurs according to the standard program detailed above, without accommodation and breakfast.

Beaver & moose safari combination

4700 SEK /person. Children under 15 years: 4200 SEK/child.

Occurs according to the standard program detailed above in combination with the moose safari program.

The safari combination is arranged on weekends between the 1st of May and the 30th of September.

Parties containing 4 or more participants have the choice to book the safari combination on other dates. If you are only 2-3 participants, please advise with anticipation and we will look in to the possibility of arrangement.

Beaver safari – Accommodation, dinner & breakfast

2600 SEK /person. Children under 15 years: 2350 SEK/child.

Occurs according to the standard program detailed above, except with dinner instead of wilderness picnic. The safari runs for 6 hours and includes a three-course dinner, with many ingredients from the forest. The dinner is served indoor.

Parties with 4 or more participants have the choice book the safari on any day all around the year. If you are only 2-3 participants, please advise with anticipation and we will look in to the possibility of arrangement.

Next safari with vacancies: 27th of June.

Beaver safari – Evening tour with dinner

2000 SEK /person. Children under 15 years: 1750 SEK/child.

Occurs according to the standard program detailed above but without the overnight stay and breakfast. The safari runs for 6 hours and includes a three-course dinner, with many ingredients from the forest. The dinner is served indoor.

Parties with 4 or more participants have the choice book the safari on any day all around the year. If you are only 2-3 participants, please advise with anticipation and we will look in to the possibility of arrangement.

Next safari with vacancies: 27th of June.

Beaver safari in rowboats

An additional 250 SEK /person on the programs above.

The safari is arranged on request according to the programs above. The rowboats have electrical engines and the safaris are less active compared to the other beaver safari programs. Each rowboat takes 4 participants and 1 guide.

Parties containing 4 or more participants have the choice to book the rowboat beaver safari on any date. If you are only 2-3 participants, please advise with anticipation and we will look in to the possibility of arrangement.

The safaris are certified Nature's Best's arrangements


Read more about the Nature's Best certification >>

The beaver safari 12th of July 2014

The beaver safari 12th of July 2014. Result: 4 beavers and 1 moose. Next wildlife safari with vacancies: Beaver safari 18th of July:

Publicerat av Nordic Discovery den 14 juli 2014
Bäversafarit 6 juli 2013

Bäversafarit 6 juli 2013. Resultat: Bästa möjliga. Bäverkontakt med flera olika bävrar under hela paddelturens 2,5 timmar.

Publicerat av Naturarvskompaniet den 7 juli 2013

Next guided tour with vacancies

Next guided tours with vacancies are advised on the Facebook page below.

Swedish Adventures