Transbordos para el Parque Natural de Malingsbo-Kloten de Stockholms aeropuertos internacionales

Kloten es un pueblo pequeño en el Parque Natural de Malingsbo-Kloten en Suecia, que el sistema de transporte público no alcanza. Transbordos para y desde Kloten de Stockholms hoteles y aeropuertos.

How far away is the Malingsbo-Kloten Nature Reserve from Stockholm - How long time takes the transfers?

From any hotel in Stockholm, from Stockholm Arlanda and Stockholm Skavsta the stright transfer time is 2,5 hours. 

The stright transfer time from Stockholm-Västerås is 75 minutes.

Which is the closest airport to Nordic Discovery’s Adventure Center ?

The closest airport among the 3 international airports in Stockholm is the Stockholm-Västerås airport. All the 3 international airports are located in different directions outside of Stockholm. The Stockholm-Västerås airport is located half way between Stockholm and Nordic Discovery’s Adventure Center. The Stockholm-Västerås airport is the smallest airport among Stockholm’s 3 international airports, and only a few airlines fly to Stockholm-Västerås. One of the airlines flying to Stockholm-Västerås is Ryan air, which offers the best economical deals for visitors flying to Sweden.

From stockholm's hotels and airports to the Malingsbo-Kloten Nature Reserve 

The prices refers to one-way travel per person in SEK.

Number of personsFrom Stockholm Västerås airportFrom the airports, Stockholm Arlanda and Stockholm Skavsta

Transfers are made in modern mini busses with space for 8 persons. When required, Nordic Discovery’s transfer includes the use of a large covered trailer (in order to transport luggage and supplies).

The transfers includes a stop at the supermarket and a stop at the liquor store. All food has to be bought before visitors reach the nature reserve. There are no supermarkets or restaurants in the wilderness.

Book airport transfer

2500 SEK /minibus from Stockholm Västerås. 5000 SEK/minibus from Stockholm Arlanda och Stockholm Skavsta

From the airports with a rented car

There are several car rental companies at the airports and a safe and free parking on the meadow at the back of the Adventure Center or in front of the Wilderness Lodge and the Wilderness Cottage. 
Road descriptions from the airports >>

Swedish Adventures